DMB Fans, give the new Buy The Sky EP ‘Echoes’ a listen!

Dave Matthews Band, as you all well know, is one of the most iconic bands of all time. They’ve had their six latest record releases all debut at the number one spot on the charts which leads all artists. That commercial success is clearly reflective of the bands foothold in pop culture as one of the best ‘jam’ bands around. There’s something hypnotic about the sound that come through even truer in their live performances. They sell out arenas across the nation performing their songs in unique ways, almost never sounding the same from tour to tour.

Buy The Sky is an up and coming band based in Brooklyn putting out a new EP entitled “Echoes”. They’ve definitely got the same feel as DMB, but with their own pleasant vibes. The EP intros with a nice little funk riff on the guitar on the track “Do What You’re Told”.  A punchy bass line comes in, backed by a steady drumbeat and the band takes off. Throughout is some stellar instrumentals with some well placed  solos and captivating vocals. Give it a listen and see for yourself:

If you’re digging this, you’re in luck. This  Friday, December 6th, Buy The Sky is having a release party for Echoes in the great New York City  @ Tammany Hall. It’s their first show in about 8 months, and not to mention your admission will be rewarded with a free copy of the EP! That’s right, FREE! Who doesn’t love free? So if you’re in the area and looking for a great time this Friday night, come check it out. Click here for the facebook event, and don’t forget to like the  Buy The Sky facebook page if you haven’t already.

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